mainstream news

Fakestream News in headlines

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If you listened, watched or attended the recent CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) you’d likely come away with a sense of American pride, unity and focus.  If you read the mainstream media’s account or even just their headlines, you’d get quite a different story.  Not only can they not help but interject bias in the news, they seem unable to avoid its intrusion in headlines.  This insinuated pessimism might make one think they were referring to the dysfunction within the DNC.  But no, they’ve managed to suggest that a cohesive, patriotic event was actually an exercise in turmoil, angst and equivocation.  Here are a few actual headlines as examples….


Given this tendency toward hate-filled cynicism, we thought we’d contribute a few examples for the fakestream media to consider if they’re really serious about misleading through headline bias….


Ivanka’s perfume made from the tears of social justice warriors 


Bannon leaks news: Wash Monument to be moved to Mexican border as part of new wall


Misogynist CPAC has no representation from ugly women


Oval Office desk replaced with folding card table and bust of Hitler


Planned parenthood offices to be walled up and then closed by national guard units as part of training for the deportation Dreamers and people who like puppies


Metal detectors at CPAC just another symbol for a “wall”


Fed US govt to be moved from Wash DC to Kansas City, MO


WH planning a pamphlet describing best ways to disenfranchise the LBGTQRST-UVWXYZ community.


Not a single left handed, bi-sexual albino at CPAC


Melania a sex slave; Baron a highly intelligent robot


Minorities spotted at CPAC presumed to be named Tom, Uncle Tom


Gluton consumption rampant at CPAC


Racist Flag unfurled at CPAC during singing of Star Spangled Banner.  Referred to as “Old Glory” an obvious trigger to the elderly