From the campaign trail to the Appalachian Trail

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Sanford lr

Mark Sanford, the ex-South Carolina governor is now headed to being the ex-congressman after losing his bid for re-election in the SC Republican primary.  What’s amazing to us is that his unceremonious fall from the governorship could land him in any political post; and here we’re assuming that there really aren’t elections for dog catcher.

His downfall began when he claimed to be “hiking the Appalachian Trail” following his  disappearance in the summer of 2009.  He was actually in Argentina with his “soul mate.”  What’s interesting is that this occurred exactly nine years ago.  That anniversary is easy to remember since, while Sanford was busy getting busy behind the back of his wife and children, he was doing it on Father’s Day.

So now in South Carolina lore when someone says their “hiking the Appalachian Trail”, it’s proceeded by a wink and a nudge.  Perhaps “sex” should now be a euphemism for actually hiking the Appalachian Trail.  Imagine the marketing potential.

One thought on “From the campaign trail to the Appalachian Trail

    […] each year is known as Mr. Irrelevant.  Meet South Carolina’s version.  Washed up Governor, washed up Congressman, and washed up husband.  So CNN seeks him out for advice when it comes to tactful responses?  […]


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